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All I want is a guy who...
* loves me for me, imperfections and all.
* wrestles with me, then kisses me when I give up.
* isn't afraid to hurt my feelings, because the truth hurts.
*bakes a cake with mebut we get covered in flour.
* knows jealousy is just my way of showing I care, {[ I'm afraid to lose him]}
* wraps his arms around me, picks me up, and spins me around.
* makes fun of me but knows when it's truly hurts my feelings.
* whispers compliments in my ears, and kisses me in the pouring rain.
* holds my hands in the car and i n f r o n t of his friends.
* doesn't doubt our relationship because we a-r-g-u-e, let's me know what he's thinking.
*pushes me against the wall, so I can't get away.
*makes me a goody bag of my favorite

* kisses my forehead, wipes my tears away.
* will cuddle with me on the couch (and play with my hair)
* calls me at midnight on my birthday.
sends me cute text messages to wake up to.
sends me flowers {[ just because]}

But you don't always get what you want, so all I really need is a guy...
* who loves me back.


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All I want is a guy who... * loves me for me, imperfections and

2 faves · Mar 2, 2013 11:14pm





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