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Have you ever loved someone so much that no matter how many times you see them, you still get butterflies. your face still feels like its on fire and your heart speads up. Have you ever loved them so much , you always come running back to them. You always swear your over them , but really , you & him will always have feelings in between you two .. You just wanna make him happy . Your done crying , fighting , and worrying over something that you know you cant have , but would give up anything for it. Sometimes , you have to let the door open and lock it behind them. Sometimes you just have to accept it wont work , maybe someday. But not right now. Sometimes , You just have to say goodbye. No matter how hard that goodbye hurts , cause it will , you have to accept its whats best .. And you just have to move on.
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Have you ever loved someone so much that no matter how many times

10 faves · Feb 18, 2013 10:46pm





love · bye · miss · break up

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