Witty Profiles

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Not mine, but looked fun!


I'm Tied between Erudite, Abnegation, and Amity :P

[ ] You know how to operate a gun
[X] You wear black.
[ ] You want to get/have tattoos or piercings.
[ ] You are strong.
[ ] You [want to] play capture the flag.
[ ] You live freely.
[ ] You act quickly.
1 out of 7

[X] You like helping people
[  ] You have a high rule in your job/school
[X] You wear gray a lot
[ ] You believe in God
[ ] You don’t look in the mirror often
[X] You don’t wear a lot of jewelry
3 out of 7

[ ] You tell the truth often
[ ] You believe telling the truth is important
[X] You are very organized
[ ] You enjoy debating over things
[ ] You wear black and white a lot
[X] You like to know what people think of you
[ ] You rarely lie
2 out of 7

[ ] You consider yourself smart
[X] You get good grades
[X] Blue is a color that you wear a lot
[ ] You have glasses
[X] You like it when you have total control
[X] You read a lot
[ ] You are good with technology
4 out of 7

[X] You are a peaceful person
[ ] You always have a smile on your face
[ ] You wear yellow and red together
[X] You eat weird bread
[ ] You dance [not necessarily well]
[ ] You garden or work on a farm
[X] You don’t take sides in a fight
3 out of 7

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Not mine, but looked fun! FACTION QUIZ I'm Tied between Erudite,

0 faves · 1 comments · Jan 27, 2013 1:53pm





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