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my bestfriend died saturday and i have to go to hes funeral tomorrow. im still crying.
rip kota. i love you so much you were the bestfriend anyone could ask for. i just dont know what to do right now. i keep calling you hopping youre going to answer. but just hearing your voicemail hurts too much. i cant look in my closest because im scared youre gonna be there. sam has dreams about you all the time. kota i love you. youre amazing love. i cant believe youre gone. i dont kno what to do at lunch i still wait for you to come out after school but you never show... i love you kota forever and always bestfriend. i always had tour back.
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my bestfriend died saturday and i have to go to hes funeral tomorrow.

4 faves · Jan 16, 2013 8:34pm






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