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Why did it have t

be me?
Why did I have to be the one to see her suicide note?

Why did I have to be the only one that knew she cut?

Why did I have to notice her depression online, when nobody else did?

Why was I so nosy? Why do I have to now live with regret?

What if something really did happen? It would've been all my fault.

I would have to live with guilt the rest of my life, why me?

Why did I ignore her for all this time? Why was I scared?

Why did it have to be me that saw this all happen, right before my eyes?



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Why did it have to be me? Why did I have to be the one to see

5 faves · 1 comments · Dec 18, 2012 3:20pm






hiphopflopflop · 1 decade ago
I know how you feel <3
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