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It's been a few days and all that has filled my head is the thoughts of those little kids that were in that building terrified of what's going to happen next. The little kids that didn't make it out. I can't even put my mind on the level of pain and helplessness that those parents of the children who didn't survive. 
When I was told about the shooting.. My heart fell deep into my stomach. I almost got sick. It hit me 20 times harder because that could have been my daughter. The world that she will have to grow up in, terrifies me. 
I can't imagine going from planning Christmas presents for my little girl to planning a funeral for her.  My world would be over. 
My heart strongly goes out to the familys of those children that aren't able to be home for Christmas.. To be able to say I love you too.. I can't even imagine. 

From my point of view.
I don't think I'll ever let Kenley leave the house. It's to much of a risk.   


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It's been a few days and all that has filled my head is the

10 faves · 1 comments · Dec 17, 2012 5:23pm





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archerygirl · 1 decade ago
yes i have had some of those same thoughts espically because i live in ct and knew many people who knew people in that school and the fact that someone can shoot a defensless little kid is tarriable and im glad he turned the gun on himself cuz he didnt deserve to live a second longer after what he did. Hearing about all those shootings in other states never really scares you or makes you think but when it happens so close to home words cant even describe how i felt. My friends dads boss lost his wife in the school that day and i just found out he has stage 4 brain cancer and doesnt have that much longer and he has 4 kids i cant even imagine what they are going through. sorry im sort of venting on your quote it was the first one i saw when i logged on
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