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< The Voice At Night >

Every night, Natalie woke up to a voice. It would always call her name, "Nata, come and play with me, Nata, I'm bored!" She would look around the house, and there was nothing to be found. She researched, and of course, Joseph Melinda was the boy who died, a man came in and shot him in the head. 

The boy was only 4 years old, and this was in 1993. She slowly closed her laptop, watching the rain from her window climb into the house. She felt a tear slide down her cheek, and then she slowly spoke, "Joseph, show yourself." Nothing. She felt more tears fall onto her thighs, then she raised her voice, "Joseph, don't make me go out there!"

Her head was spinning. Her thighs were wet with tears, "Joseph please stop playing with me. Just.....just show yourself." She was pushed onto the floor. Thats when darkness fell over and all she remembered was hearing, "You're dead now." And waking up. 

Natalie grabbed the razor. Soon enough, the razor shot at the wall and cut her forehead, "OW! Joseph what the #@%^&??" Thats when the voice spoke, "Natalie, I love you, don't hurt yourself!" Natalie saw a spark of light and attacked it. She hit her head on the bathtub and was in a coma.

Why is that man coming towards the window? Where's mommy? Where's daddy? What about baby Natalie? She's scared. Mommy! Mommy! Natalie is crying! Mommy? Mommy? The window is broken! Mommy! Oh no! The man is chasing me! Momm! Get away from me man! Mommy! He's scary! Daddy? Is that....no daddy! Don't grab your gun! Don't shoot me! "Shut up little boy!" Do you promise to not kill baby Nata? "Yes! Now show me the money!" No! My paren- * gun shots * Baby....Natalie....Nata...Mom....Daddy....why did you kill me daddy? Why?

Natalie woke up. Joseph isn't a stranger, he's a hero. He saved Natalie, and he sacrificed himself for her. Joseph is her brother, and when he was 9, he saved Natalie from her father. She fell back to sleep and went back to the story, but this time, it was in her own eyes.

Jo? Mommy? Daddy! Pick me up! Pick me up! What's that thing in your hand. Where's Jo? Mommy? I want to play with Jo! "Jo's asleep right now." Jo can't be asleep. He just woke up from a nap. Mommy? I want mommy! "Mommy is asleep, too." No! Mommy just changed my diaper! Mommy! Mommy! No! Don't put that sharp thing up to m- ow! daddy! my hand hurts! Why is there a cut? Mommy! Jo! Jo! JO!!!

To Be Continuted....

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< The Voice At Night > Every night, Natalie woke up to

1 faves · Nov 23, 2012 12:50pm






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