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Quote #6431606

2 faves · 1 comments · Nov 18, 2012 1:02am






Harley91594 · 1 decade ago
Only you can know if you are ready for college. If you think you are, jump straight into a four year college or university. If that sounds scary or difficult, try a community college. Those are easier to get into and can help you pull up your grades. After two years there, you can either get in Associate's degree in whatever so that you can start your career, or transfer to a college/university for two more years to continue your education. Community college is a great alternative to help you bridge the gap between high school and college/uni because you can live at home.
If you aren't ready for either, take some time off after high school to get a job or just do something you love. When my brother graduated from high school, he didn't start the Fall immediately after high school, he started in the spring so he had a few months to prepare.
I'm sorry that you feel lonely :( I hope that I was somewhat helpful.
Guidance counselors at your school are also knowledgeable about this kind of stuff. If the counselor that has been assigned to you sucks, ask if you can meet with someone else to get a second opinion. They are there to help you!
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