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i am now 11 months into my relationship....im not sure how i feel. i feel like he could break up with me any day now...we are in a shakey spot in our relation ship because i wont do things with him and he doesnt get that its not my personality....and his mom says such hurtful things about me to him then turns around and says she loves me to death.....on halloween she told him that it seems that lately ive been putting him to the backburner to everyone else....well im sorry i try to make everyone happy and try not to focus on one person but focus on everyone......it really hurts me when she says this stuff ....and that same week she said that we should think about taking a break...i honestly thought about it but i love him to much to actually going through with it and he hasnt either.....but if we do that means there is the possibility of never getting back together.....idk we said we would forget everthing that happened this week but im honestly hurt to the fullest extent..to where i cry every night...
sometimes sorry doesn't help.
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i am now 11 months into my relationship....im not sure how i

1 faves · 1 comments · Nov 3, 2012 11:48pm





break up

markc0120 · 1 decade ago
I still feel that we are meant to be. I know i hurt you and i cant take it back but i guarantee if you can have faith in me be my friend and maybe we can lead back into being a happy couple again. Your the only one i want mykayla you are an amazing person. Im gonna keep giving you your space but i want you to know that you were meant for me and i can be the guy you fell in love with again. I hope you can see it again.
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