Witty Profiles

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its him
chapter 4
A: Sould I Type? Or Sould I Ignore? Alex (Allies Little Brother ) What are you doing? A: Woah What How DID YOU GET IN HERE!  Al: A Secret... A: SHUT UP ALEX! Al: Okay Calm Down There. A: DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! Al: Okay Are You On Ur Period Or Did A Guy Make You Pregn A: MOMMMMMMMM!!!!! TELL ALEX TO GET THE HELL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Al: btw sould you ignore what? A: Why Would I Tell YOU? Al: Because i - M: What Is all The Yelling About! Guys Set the table dad sould be here any minute! ( 10 mins later) A: So How Did Work Go..? D: Great How Did Today Go? A: Ummm - M: See Emma Lefted Today To Texas Sad And Very Hard Day. A: Mom why didnt you let me say it? you always inruppep me.A: And its pretty anoying ! im 16 years old And i sould be able to say what i want to say !. M: ALLIE ITS DONE JUST FINSESH UR FOOD AND GO OUTSIDE. A: Mom But I - M: NOW. A: Mom Just shut up M: GO NOW! D: Dont Tell Ur Mom To Shut Up Allie. A: Dad You Dont Understand.( Goes Outside And Leans On Bench ) A guy Runs Up) A: omg justin What Are You Doing here? J: Let Me Come In And Say?. A: Yeah Sure I Gotta Sneak You Tho J: Thats Fine.
J: I Want You. A: What? J : I Want You  And I Wanna Go Farther A: Here? J : Yes. A: Oh Well Um i dont have a con - J - I Do. Lets Do It Know A: Okay.
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its him chapter 4 A: Sould I Type? Or Sould I Ignore? Alex (Allies

0 faves · Oct 8, 2012 2:39am




