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I love her so much but i cant help but think she doesnt love me anymore. She always spends time with other than with me, i just seem like i matter so little to her anymore. i never around her. She keep hiding secrets from me and it hurts to think what if she is doesnt love me. What if she is cheating on me. How can i trust her when i feel like i dont know her anymore. I cant take it anymore everyone says to breakup with her but i cant do it. I love her so much and it doesnt seem fair to me that she is doing this to me. Can anyone please help me im really desperate i dont know what i could ever do with out her. She is treating me worse than the people she doesnt even like. She comes just for her friends but what about me im just not important enough for her. She doesnt even notice me anymore and it kills me. My heart aches with the pain that i have. Im always there for her but she is never there for me. Please baby i love you so much and it hurts that i feel you dont love me anymore. Do i just not matter to you anymore? Why are you pushing me away? Why? Please i need to know why you cant just talk to me about things going on in your life. I miss you i love you i need you please i dont know what to do anymore. I feel like dying. I want to die. I guess our love just ended didnt it? You were warned by others that you were gonna lose me. Well i always said that those who said that were wrong but i guess i was wrong
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I love her so much but i cant help but think she doesnt love

1 faves · 1 comments · Sep 27, 2012 3:50pm






looveesilviee · 1 decade ago
Then if she doesnt go to you and you dont feel like she loves you, go to her and tell her you two need to talk about your relationship and ask her whats the matter if she wantss to continue like this or wants to change something, but talk to her.. if you dont everythings gonna stay just as it is now cause shes not talking and you arent either
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