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Okay, so this isn't for likes, faves, or comments, this is me venting, it's not pretty and colourful because I need to tell someone, but I feel like I can't, and this is a safe plae to put it considering no-one knows who I am. 

So, my names Danielle, I'm 16, I'm pretty much I guess you could call me "an average teenager" I love being with my friends all that sort of stuff, yet there's a massive problem, I feel left out, left behind, I mean yeah I have my bestfriend , but its complicated, I'm never invited to anything, I go through my newsfeed and see my "friends" organizing l catch up its holidays, that doesn't bother me as such. But when I'm alone at night. My thoughts start to creep on me, why aren't I close with many people anymore, have I changed am I a bad friend or person? I give up I have no answers, I'm lost for words...

last night I got into an argument with my mum about how I'm being sneaky and secretive, but I can't see it that way, she thinks because one. Of my friends accidently feel pregnant tht I'm next. She doesn't trust me :/ after that argument I cried for 3 hours straight, while in my room in the dark, I attempted 3 times to try and commit sucide, but couldn't do it, I had thoughts running through my head the first time, what would happen if my boyfriend heard the news, you see I don't trust many guys. None at all actually,  I have always had daddy issues, but my bestfriend for 2 years finally beame my boyfriend, it was like a massive fairy tale, he makes me feel things I have never felt before, I feel like I'm flying when I'm with him but  anyway back to my vent, I couldn't think of losing him or leaving him behind, his away on holidays with his friends, I tried calling on blocked number 11 times just to hear his voice. I finally heard it, and hung up, I wheaped,what was I doing? Trying to end my life, it was stupid but at the same time felt like everything I wanted, I wanted the pain to go away, me being ignored at home, I wanted the emptiness and loneliness to be gone, I wanted to be stress free, for the 3 minutes I held my breath to end my life, my life flashed before my eyes. Who was going to find me, my first steps, my first pet ..everything, I still feel lonely now, but then I ccome on witty and I'm like, there is so many other people like me, wow.  

I honestly, wish I had the answer.. I can't keep living it like this, I've lost everyone. Even my parents :/
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Okay, so this isn't for likes, faves, or comments, this is

6 faves · 6 comments · Sep 26, 2012 10:13am






WhiteChocolateCRAZY13 · 1 decade ago
Imagine all the people who cared secretly for you Imagine all the people crying and blaming them selves imagine your mother she would go into depression cuz your gone Imagine you siblings they would never forgive them selves for all the fighting pls think no you haven't lost your parents you just disagreed pls darling think think think.......
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Danilovesllamas · 1 decade ago
Thanks Guys :/ <3 but my ex cheated on me, I know my boyfriend won't, but his away with his friends, I'm scared he'll find someone better and I really can't handle being cheated on again, it'll destroy me, It's occupying my mind space :/
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RecklessAndRegretless17 · 1 decade ago
committing suicide or hurting urself will get u nowhere. think about it, u won't even be able to know how ur life is supposed to turn out. u should try to make plans with ur friends. or even talk to them about feeling left out. ur boyfriend obviously loves u. u gotta stay strong
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spottedleaf · 1 decade ago
im really sorry to here this :( i cant say that i know what your going through, but please dont commit suicide, i am here for you
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Danilovesllamas · 1 decade ago
I'm sorry to hear, but thanks for showing support, you seem like a lovely person, I'm here for you as we'll, as a witty sister <3
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laxchix1331 · 1 decade ago
I wish I could say it gets better but I am in the same place you are righ now except without a boyfriend...all i can stay is stat strong and don't do anything to yourself because there are people that love you...i'm here if you need to vent again
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