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I know it's long, but can you please read it and comment?
*Texting My Exboyfriend Last Night After Church* Now, let it be known that even though we haven't been dating lately, we basically acted like we were still together.

Me: So what you're telling me is that she just randomly decided to say she didn't like YOUR girlfriend?
Him: we don't date yet
Me: Cool.
Him: Yaa
Me: I guess it's time that I move on.
Him: I guess so
Me: K.
Him: K
Me: Sooo. Where does all this leave us?
Him: Friends
Me: We can try.
Him: We can succeed.
Me: Mmm, we'll see.
Him: Hopefully.
Me: It might take a while.
Him: Y
Me: You just don't get it.
Him: Tell me
Me: No. You're about to have a new gf so I'm not going to pour my heart out just for it to get butchered afterwards.
Him: I would like to know
Me: Okay. Let's jsut say that I'm not over it. When I said on twitter back in the day that you were it for me, I was being serious. Like, I don't think you realize how much love I have for you. And for me to have to see you everyday with another girl hugging and kissing you, is gonna really suck. But I want you to be happy. And if I can't make you happy then I'll just deal.

Well, it was really late and he didn't text back until this morning before school.

Him: I fell asleep..im sorry
Me: Well you can say something now...
Him: Im thinking
Me: Like are you thinking about what I said or what to say?
Him: What to say back
Me: Well can you try to figure it out soon...
Him: Ok

I saw him in the hallway walking her to class, the class I just so happen to have with her. And I started having an anxiety attack. It was so terrilble. Then when I got home and got on twitter he tweeted "Taken 9-13-12 <3" I wanted to cry so bad, but I was babysitting and couldn't.
I really just don't know what to do. Like, I really want him in my life . . but I don't know how to be just friends with him. I am completely in love with him, and I just don't know what to do about it. Can someone please give me some advice?
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I know it's long, but can you please read it and comment?

1 faves · 1 comments · Sep 13, 2012 6:31pm






dailyentries · 1 decade ago
i know how you feel...
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Brieeeeee ^.^*