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Long But Worth Reading
At 8:46 am flight 11 crashed into
the WTC north tower.over 100
people were stuck in the building

after the plane had crashed into
the north tower,some people
jumped to their death thinking

they were closer to the ground
because they thought thought
the North tower had begun to fall

. At 9:03 am Flgiht 175 crashes
into the southWTC
tower.Millions of people witness

the second crash,not only in the
city of New york but also around
the nation,even world.One
stairwell in the south stairwell
remained unblocked only with
smoke.it led many of the people

trapped up to the roof top for a
rescue, it never came. At 9:59 56
minutes later the south building

went down. At 10:28 am the
North WTC went down as well.
The North WTC went down
from the top down as if it was
being torn apart. The North
WTC stood for over 102
minutes,and the South WTC

stood for about 56 minutes. So
many brave men and women,
cops, paramedics,fire fighters, the

people working in the WTC,and
never random citizens risked
their lifes 11 years ago trying to

save the lives of total strangers. I
am proud to be an American
and I am proud of all the people

who risked their lives to save
other people. Rest in Peace to all
the people who died in the tragic

attack on U.S, never forget this
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Long But Worth Reading At 8:46 am flight 11 crashed into the

12 faves · Sep 11, 2012 11:18am






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