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- How can I get over him when he`s all I ever think about?

- Im walking away now and you can say or do what you want. Its not going to stop me, Im done with caring.

- I keep trying to convince myself that I hate you and that you are the most annoying person ever, but theres a little nagging voice in my head that keeps saying, your lieing.

- You never see my tears, but that doesnt mean I dont cry. You never feel my pain, but that doesnt mean I dont hurt. You only see me smile, but that doesnt mean Im happy.

- Having your boyfriend break up with you & tell you "we can still be friends" is like having your dog die & your mom telling you that you can still keep it.
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- How can I get over him when he`s all I ever think about? -

2 faves · Dec 18, 2004 9:36pm





break up

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