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// Puddles in the Rain \\

Chapter 30 (Last Chapter!)

It didn't end soon. It lasted all through the night. And I must of fell asleep because when I opened my eyes, the sunlight was shining, the weather calm. I squinted as I stood up slowly and looked around. I saw The blue waves gently crashing against the sand, the sun shining high in the sky.
"The storm finally stopped huh?"
I jumped at the sound of Drew's voice, and I stared down at him as he opened his eyes. When he stood up he kissed my cheek and laced his arms around my waist, laying his head on my shoulder, but I was too much in shock to care. Drew was here with me, when there was not a cloud in the sky.
"It's not raining."
He looked at me in surprise as much as I was, and we both grinned.
"Does this mean...?"
"Hold on."
Drew stood there for a moment, but I could tell he was trying to make it rain. Man, I did sound crazy. After a minute of nothing but the blue sky and nothing else, I started to grin. Was my boyfriend an offical non-crazy human now? No cloud appeared in the sky or anything.
"Fid, I can't."
He turned to look at me and at first I thought he was disappointed, but then a grin appeared on his face.
"I'm normal!"
I laughed as he picked me up in his arms and spun me around, kissing me before he set me back down.
"Can you believe it?"
He continued to grin as he ran out of the cabana, dancing around in the sand. I leaned against a wooden post and laughed my heart out as I felt happy tears crawl into my eyes. I know it sounds sort of nuts but believe me. I never imagined this would happen.
"Can you believe this?"
Drew yelled to me out by the water, turning around and liftin his arms in the sky.
He ran back over to me and hugged me so fast and hard, I stumbled backwards. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he swung me around and held me into his arms, bride style.
"We can acually have a normal relationship now."
I smiled and cuddled my head onto his chest and he leaned down and kissed my head. We got into his car and we drove back home, and then I noticed some rain falling down onto the windshield.
"I'm not doing that."
He told me as his eyes were still on the road, and his mouth was still curved in to a smile.
"I know."
I put my hand on his arm and rubbed up and down. He was so excited that now he could have a normal 18 year old life, and so was I. We were ment to be with each other, EACH day and not just when it rained. I grinned to myself as he pulled into my driveway. We walked into the house and smelled some cookies that my mother must of been making.
"Perfect for the occasion."
I giggled and he grabbed my hand and walked over the the couch.
"Hey kids! Made some of my famous cookies."
My mother walked in with a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies an held it out for us. Drew and I took one, thanked her, and bit into them. It pratically melted in my mouth, the chocolate mixing with the dough. When I looked at Drew and I noticed some chocolate on the side of his lip.
I said as I started to giggle.
"Check your lip."
He furrowed his eyebrows and licked his lips, then noticed the chocolate. He held a finger up to it and wiped it off, then stuck his finger in his mouth and licked it off.
"Delicious as always."
He smiled up at my mom and she grinned.
"Nice choice."
She mouthed to me when she started to walk out of the room. Drew let out a loud sigh and laid back, setting his arm around my shoulder. I pulled myself close to him and laid my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. As I laid there and rested on Drew, I smiled. I knew that this was all I needed, and that was perfect.

Authors Note: So, this was it. The LAST chapter. Can you believe it's over? I can't. Thank you for all of you that sticked with it, even though it wasn't the best. I know this was a cheesy way to end it, but I still hope you like it! If I get 15 likes, I'll add the epiloge! I know, greedy me(; But thank you for all my readers. I would love it if you all read my new story that I'm going to start, Ghost of A Superstar! Thanks again. Love you all ♥


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// Puddles in the Rain \\ Chapter 30 (Last Chapter!) It didn't

17 faves · 6 comments · Sep 8, 2012 9:19am






butterflyescape · 1 decade ago
YES! You got over 15! yayayayayay post the epilogue soon! :D
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butterflyescape · 1 decade ago
If you don't get one more fav, I'll cry :'( I NEED to read the epilogue, your story is SO good
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emz17lover · 1 decade ago
I faved it just so it helps me get to 15, and closer for you guys to get the epiloge(:
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RH_comets_19 · 1 decade ago
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$* · 1 decade ago
wow. I dont even know what to say anymore. I was amazing, no, more than amazing. stupendous. You are a great writer and please continue! I cant wait for the new story. could you notify me for that? I really hope that you add the epiloge!
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CitricAcidRain · 1 decade ago
Okay, I just have to say, this has got to be the most original love stories that I have read on witty and outside witty. You have got a real flair for writing and I really can't wait to read your next story!
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