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This a blonde joke, and no offense to the blondes because i am a blonde too.
It is said in New York in a ladies restroom there is a special mirror,
If you stand in front of it and tell the truth you get a wish, but if you tell a lie,
POOF you are swallowed by the mirror, so a black haired girl stands in front of it and says
i think i am the prettiest girl in the world, and POOF the mirror swallows her, then a brunette
stands in front of the mirror and says, i think i am the smartest person in the world and
POOF the mirror swallows her. then a blonde stands in front of the mirror and says, i think...,
and POOF she is swallowed by the mirror

PS. for those of u hoo dont get it its that the blonde said that she thought but blondes dont think no offense blondes whatsoever i know everyone thinks :]
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This a blonde joke, and no offense to the blondes because i am

3 faves · Mar 11, 2009 6:25pm






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