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I'm Fine

I was sitting at the table eating my french toast my mom had cooked for me. I heard a knock at the door and went to go answer it. It was Jason, Jason and I  had been best friends since 3rd grade when he stole my lunch. He took my pb&j and ranaway intill I caught him and started hitting him with my lunch box. We were sent to the princibles office after that and while we were waiting for Mr.Sibons, we started talking and we became friend. Ever since we've been best friends. My names Holly im a 14 I have A brother thats a senior this year and a little sister who is in 2nd grade. I well be a freshman this year and if thats not bad enough its also my first day back at this school. Two years ago my dad was killed in afganistan after about a week of my mom pouting in her room and not getting out of bed my brother and I thought it would be a good idea to get a fresh start for a little  while we moved to Maine which is a really far way considering we lived in callifornia. We really needed a huge change. We lived in a beach house on the side of old orchard beach. I didn't really make many friends win Maine which I wasn't planning on it either. After a little while my mom came to her senses and decided to home school me an my brother luke. After are little break we dicided to move back to california. I hadn't really talked to anyone from california when I was in Maine except Jason and a few family members. I hadn't told anyone I was coming back when we did I thought I would make it a suprise when I got to school. I told jason I was coming to cali for a visit when we came but I surprised him at the end telling him we were staying. My brorther called all his friend here to tell them we were coming back which I bet made it around the town already. But oh well.

"Hey, you ready to leave we have to be there in ten." Jason told me while sitting on the couch turning on the t.v. 

"Yea, give me a sec" I said while running upstairs to go get my Bag. While heading out of the room I picked up the photo of my dad and me. It was on my 10th birthday he came home as a surprise in his uniform.

"Wish me good luck" I whispered and ran down stairs. Luke was waiting in the drive way already in his car waiting for us. We hopped in his new car mom had bought him for his birthday and started driving to school. As you could probably tell are family is pretty rich were not like Bill Gates but my mom came into alot of money about 7 years back and its  been fine ever since. We were walking towards the front entrance. There were groups of people standing outside some I reconized other not so much. I kept seeing people who I barley knew when I lived here before pointing and whispering about me but who care there only talking about me moving back. Right.?

"You ready?" jason asked with a positive attitude.

"Ready." I said and we walked into what was soon to be one of the most confusing days for me. We walked down the main entrance right when we turned the corner to one of the math wings I saw my best girl friend, Ally. Right when I spotted her I waved she started to walk toward us. Jason stopped walking for a minute and looked at me.

"Hey I might have forgot to tell you something while you where gone." He said

"What?" I asked right when I heard ally say

"Hey, Holly what are you doing back?" she said in a surprised tone. Right when I was about to answer she looked at jason and said "Hey babe" and kissed him. I was so surprised I couldn't say anything I stode there in shock.

"So what I forgot to tell you was that ally and I started dating a little bit after you left and I didnt know exactly how to tell you." Jason told me. I was so shocked that I just smiled and walked to my first period. Most people wouldn't really mind but this was my two best friends when we hung out i would be like a third wheel. The worst part was right before I left I told ally that I thought I had feelins for jason. I went to more classes through the day the only class so far that i had with jason was bio I had none with ally. I walked into the lunch room and went to go sit with my friends I sat down at the table when ally and jason walked over. I didnt know what to do leave or just stay. I decided to stay and wait a little. About half way through lunch I decided to leave ally and jason where making out about the whole time.I threw away my trash and walked out I sarted to tear up. I turned the corner and bumped into someone I droped a few of my books I kept my head down the whole time. I picked up about 3 of my books and the guy I bumped into handed me the 4th. I looked up really quick by this time the tears where falling. I noticed he was really cute but I ignored that.

"Thanks" I said in a really quite voice and started to walk off when I heard him ask,
"Hey, are you okay?"

I turned back around looked him in the eyes and told him a lie "I'm fine."

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I'm Fine I was sitting at the table eating my french toast

4 faves · 1 comments · Sep 4, 2012 7:06pm






roxyvermaas · 1 decade ago
can you continue this ? (:
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