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Broken Wings
Chapter 6

 We were already on to the second movie and we had already finished all of the ice cream and half of the tissues. I think the movie were watching now is called “when love dies”. Bits of this movie were so stupid like “I love you Charles. I love you too Elizabeth ,il love you forever”. “LIIIEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!.”I screamed at the TV throwing a handful of popcorn along with my scream. After all 3 movies we all just crashed in my room . We all woke up around 11 ish. “You know what, today we are going to go to the gym and get you in the best shape you’ve ever been. Then we are gonna go over to Brandon’s house and make him regret what he did” said Josie while picking wet tissues off her face.  “Yeah, we have to make sure he wished he never set eyes on that s*lt” joined in Bri. I pulled on some cycling shorts and a grey tank top , pulled my hair into a high ponytail. I grabbed my sports bag and chucked in 3 energy drinks, my purse, extra deodorant and some snacks. We all hopped into my car and headed to the gym but we stopped off at Josie and Bris houses on the way so they could change. I swear we were at the gym for 8 hours, but when we finished I swear I was in amazing shape!!.then we headed back to my house to get ready to go to brandons 

Teaser: "waooo Laura you look a..a.amazing,so i guess we are going out ton ight then" " Yeah right , in your dreams . Brandon"

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Broken Wings Chapter 6 We were already on to the second movie

2 faves · 1 comments · Aug 28, 2012 6:49am






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