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Fixing  Me
chapter #04
            The boy with the shaggy brown hair laughed heartily. He poked my robed stomach jokingly.
   "You silly!" he laughed, rocking back and forth in the metal chair that he sat in. I pondered that discovery- it made sense. I realized that I didn't know of any other name for myself.
    "What kind of name is Kels?" I asked, ignoring the raspiness in my voice. The boys eyes bulged out of his head. He turned to "Grace." Her blue eyes were nearly wider than his. I wondered what mine looked like. Apparantly, my confused expression betrayed me. Grace slapped on a soft smile. I knew what was hidden underneath it.
   "Don't worry sweetie. I'll go and grab the doctor!" she assured, patting my hand lightly. 
  "I'll take care of her!" the boy called as she left my side and exited the room. He turned toward me again. His eyes were a deep blue, extremely dark with black streaks. Almost like the ocean, I thought.
   "You have such pretty eyes," I mused, practically losing myself. He laughed.
    "Haha, why thank you! You too sis! Dad always tells you that yours are special. He is QUITE the charmer if you ask me!"
    "Wait... sis... dad? Are you my... brother?" The boy smiled.
    "Yes of course. Since you probably don't remember, I'm Jacob. Jacob Anthony Steele. You... you of course are Kelsey Ann Steele. My baby sister. I go to the University of California for a growing carreer in soccer. You on the other hand, were starting your senior year of high school. Mom and Dad are incredibly proud. Mom's a real estate agent... her company offered us our house. Dad on the other hand teaches computer and engineering sciences over at the college. Between the four of us, we're rich! You're a cheerleader.... AND a volleyball player. Go figure. When I'm not studying, I ref little childrens' soccer games. You on the other hand work over at 2 Cute. Dad always found that ironic because you're 'too cute!' he thinks. Capisci?" My head was buzzing. All of this information was being thrust into my head all at once. It hurt enough already. He already continued to speak "Goes to show. We all are pretty much the 'popular crew.'" I didn't know how I was related to this boy. He seemed too conceited. He went on. "You have one good friend though. She's-"  the boy was cut off by the opening of a door. A man with fluffy brown hair and wide eyes entered the room, staring down at his clipboard. His white lab coat swished around the corner. Grace hovered behind him, holding her hands near her face.
    "Hello... miss Steele? Feeling any better? I'm Doctor Lekarz. I'll be taking care of you this morning. Now, from what I understand , you're not remembering anything, is this correct?" the doctor spoke to me as if we were having an average conversation. His large brown eyes captivated me. I've seen a pair like them before... "Humph. Well, let's see. Do you know how you ended up here miss Steele?" I shrugged and immediately regretted it. My whole body ached. "Any recollection of the cause of injury?"
    "What..?" I began. I glanced down at all of the tubes and wires. I couldn't piece it all together.
   "Miss Steele... you were in a CAR accident." I let that sink in. It wasn't hard to believe. The way my body hurt, my head... it all made sense. "That girl... Maggie Stewart. She was in the car with you. A LOT worse condition she's in if that's any comfort at all" I glanced at the girl to my right. She wasn't looking to great. I thought she had  grown even paler. The doctor's eyes widened. A loud beeping noise came from a machine off to her right. Her heart was stopping. I thought mine did as well. The doctor bolted over to her and started to work. Soon enough, the room was flooded with doctors and nurses trying to help. One woman pulled over a large machine. The one that restarts your pulse, I thought. I glanced at my brother's face. He was horrified... but couldn't look away. I wasn't the only one who noticed. A young nurse entered the room. She was about 30 with wavy auburn hair. She saw my brother's face and glanced at me. Without a word, she ran over to the curtain between the girl and I and pulled it between the two beds. Little did I know it then, but that was the last time that I would set eyes on my best friend.

~Hey everyone! This chapter's a little lengthy, but you can handle it right?! Right! Love you all. Hope you enjoy<33! -goaliechic999
Format Credit: Laura001
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Fixing Me chapter #04 The boy with the shaggy brown hair laughed

1 faves · 2 comments · Aug 27, 2012 12:21pm






goaliechic999 · 1 decade ago
Use that incredible mind of yours sweetie!
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thegirllikesmusic · 1 decade ago
Oh my goodness...
I don't even now what to do now...
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