Witty Profiles

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Chapter Twenty -Two

Austin doesn't talk the whole way to my house.We go down into the basement, and play a game of air-hockey, before sitting down to watch a movie. I scoot in closer to Austin, leaning my head on his shoulder. In the middle of the movie, I'm more than half asleep. Austin gets up, waking me up, and scaring me at the same time. 
"Sorry," He nervously laughs. "But, can you come with me?" 
"Uh, yeah sure." I get up. He leads me up the stairs, checking the clock every second. He goes outside. I follow him, but with my hands over my eyes like he asks. 
"Almost there." He leads me. I can't even tell where I am. "Okay, here."
Around a blanket, little tea-lights are lit. A small journal is laid out with some writing on it, sitting on top of some tulip petals. Tulips, if I didn't mention are my favorite flowers.
"You did this for me?" I almost start to tear up. 
"Of course. In the journal, is a few things I've written the past few years."  I lay down on the blanket, and pick up the journal. A small note falls out, folded like a paper football. Of course. I un-fold it, and read what it says. 
"These past few years of my life have changed me, for the better. When I met you, I knew it was meant to be. I know, that sounded cheesy," I stop to laugh. "I just brought you out here, to tell you something. But for the record, I knew you'd like this because I've watched every movie on Netflix in the category of love...Oh my god, Austin." I drop the note, and hug him. 
"There's something I forgot to put in the note." He backs up.
"Oh?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Um..." He takes both of my hands, and pulls me in close, only leaving a tiny gap. "I love you." He whispers, the words ringing in my head. I smile, and close my eyes, and feel Austin's lips against mine. 
"I love you too." I say when I pull back. I lay down on the blanket, and look up at the stars. For a moment, everything disappears...Even Austin. "Austin?" I look around.


Author's Note: 
Well, a little change, huh? Sorry it's short, but I'm really focusing on finishing, and trying to do last minute summer homework, but thanks EVERYONE for reading, I love you all to Pluto and back!

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breathe Chapter Twenty -Two Austin doesn't talk the whole

7 faves · 2 comments · Aug 22, 2012 7:13pm






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