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A One Direction Fanfic
Chapter 5:
(Liam's POV)
Time escaped us as we played music and sang and had a little fire. Mia was just so...amazing. She had the voice of an angel, it was amazing, and she's incredibly beautiful. Even in those sweatpants and that hat. She looks cute.
"Whoa, it's 11:30! We should probably go!" Louis said, jumping up.
How could I not realize the time? I'm usually the responsible one.
So much for Daddy Direction...this girl is changing me already.
We all stood up and Mia's dad put out the fire. We reentered the huge and beautiful house and made our way to the front door. Before we left, I turned around and was face to face with Mia.
"Hang out with me tomorrow.." I blurted out.
She smiled. "I'd love to... just you and me?" She asked.
"Just us..." I responded and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and a big hug.
We got into our car and made our way back to our hotel. I was smiling the whole way.
"Ooh Liam! He's got a little crush!!" Harry said, pinching my cheeks.
I felt myself turn red.
"Awww he's blushing!" Zayn teased.
"Ooohhh Liam!!" Niall said making kissy faces.
"Guys!!" I tried to be serious, but I was laughing.
"We see how you act around her, mate...it's obvious you LIIIKEEE HER." Louis said, putting emphasis on the 'like her' part.
"I can't deny that... I do like her." I said, pulling out my phone.
I texted her...
Me: It's Liam, maybe we can go shopping and get lunch tomorrow? Only if you want to, of course. xx
I waited for her response.
Mia: That sounds great!! Pick me up at noon! :)
I smiled as I reread the text over and over again.
I went to bed that night and woke up around 9. I started to get ready since I had to look, smell, and be perfect for her.

(Mia's POV)
I woke up at 9 because I wanted to make sure I looked perfect. Ava helped me pick out my outfit of a grey v-neck shirt that fit well around the torso. She grabbed me some dark indigo skinny jeans that hug my athletic but thin legs. She shoved me into the bathroom with a towel. I showered and began drying my hair as she burst through the door.
"Are you going to curl it?!" She asked, she was more nervous than I was.
"Maybe just make it wavy..." I said, laughing at her manner.
"Let me do it! You do your makeup!" She pulled the blowdryer out of my hands and turned my curling wand on.
I worked on my makeup, nothing too big, just a little eyeliner and mascara. I put on some mauve lipgloss. She curled my hair perfectly so it looked messy yet smooth and soft.
We ate a little breakfast and she left, as it was already almost noon.
Soon after she left, there was a knock on the door.
I ran to the door and opened it to see Liam wearing a grey shirt and dark jeans too.
He laughed, "I guess we are matching?!"
"I guess so..." I said, smiling. I grabbed my purse and phone and we walked out the door, Liam with his hand on my lower back leading the way.
He opened my door for me and then got into the drivers seat.
We talked the whole way to Times Square and Main Street. He's so easy to get along with.

(Liam's POV)
Mia looked so beautiful. She was wearing something similar to me, with white vans on. Her hair looked messy, yet well done. I just wanted to run my fingers through it. She wasn't wearing much makeup, as she had a perfect complexion and didn't need much. Her shiny lips are drawing me in, but I need to take things slow.
When we reached the start of the shopping area, I parked the car and opened her door, letting her out.
"Thank you, sir!" She said, laughing.
We began walking and I brushed my hand up against hers.
Paparazzi were starting to notice me, but there wasn't much.
People were asking if she's my girlfriend, but I just smiled.
"May I hold your hand?" I asked her politely.
"Of course you can." She said back. I took her delicate hand into mine and intertwined our fingers. Her hand was cold.
"Your hand is warm!" She said, looking pleased.
"Yours is cold," I said, laughing.
"I guess yours can warm mine.." She said, looking down. She was nervous and it was so cute.
I put my other hand over hers so hers was inbetween both of mine.
"Better?" I asked.
"Much better.." She said giving me a kiss on the cheek and then resting her head on my shoulder.
I really really like this girl.
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Superhuman A One Direction Fanfic Chapter 5: (Liam's POV)

1 faves · Aug 20, 2012 12:43am






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