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Everything About You
Chapter 4
I had cut before, so it wasn't new to me. There were many reasons for me cutting. I used to be bullied, called names, everyone used to take the p*ss out of me. It got to the point where I walked in front of a car and tried to commit suicide.0 I had depression. Nobody knew, but I knew that I had to stop, and take these things lightly. So I did, I was laughing at the name-calling. 

I had started cutting, nobody knew, until I was asked if I ever did, and I said that I had years ago. People thought I still did, so I was called 'Emo' and 'Goth'. I admit, I liked gothic things, so I didn't mind being called 'Goth'. It was emo that got me most. 
Lucas had asked me the truth, and I said yeah, I did, and I had been doing it that week. He asked me why and I told him that I was p*ssed off with everything and it's the only way I felt better. I told my closest friends what I had  been doing, and they were all supportive. Apart from two of them. Jess and another girl called Aliyah. (Pronounced Aleeyah). Jessica stopped talking  to me, and had deleted me off Facebook. That was the night I had stopped, and she knew that I'd stopped. She told everyone I had, and she'd been telling Aliyah that I had carried on, doing it regularly and boasted about it.

Everyone was asking me and even Lucas, but we both denied it. I had been doing it the night Jess stopped talking to me, and I was talking to Lucas.
*Talking on Facebook*
Me: I've done it again...
Lucas: Please, stop it. It's not good.
Me: I know I have to. 
Lucas: Yes you do. You can do it, and I'm here for you.
Me: Thanks :) Okay, I won't do it no more.
Lucas: Promise?
Me: Promise! 

So I had promised him never to do it again and whenevera I got angry, I would throw things around. Break hangers... 
Anything but cutting.

Jess  never talked to me anymore. It made me want to start cutting again, but I knew I couldn't do it. I'd promised Lucas, and I wasn't about to break that promise. Jessica had been chatting sh*t about me again. I was really  p*ssed off, and was about to break down, when I thought "I can't. I have to stay strong." 
At this time, Jessica had just got a boyfriend, Michael. I was mad. I was on rage. "You have the biggest sl*t ever as your girlfriend. She doesn't really love you! She's just desperate and will go out with any THING that asks her!!" Everyone was staring at me.  I didn't care. I would smack their faces in.

The thing that hurt most was that we were like sisters. She'd left me over it. Even though Lucas stayed with me, helped me.

**Hi guys, if you're reading, thanks so much! Please do not ask to be notified, as I don't have time. But follow me, and the new chapters will show in your feed as you log in to Witty! I bet you guys don't like Jessica now. What would you have done in her position? Why? Who do you like most?**

Teaser: I wasn't gonna let it get the better of me. I carried on as usual.

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Everything About You Chapter 4 Shannon I had cut before, so it

1 faves · Aug 3, 2012 9:50am






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