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the bachelor.
so ... was anyone like me? did anyone watch this show while they were sick and should have been getting sleep because they had to wake up super early the next day?

did anyone see the clip they showed of Jason purposing to Melisa at the beginning of the season and was sad that they kind of gave it away but still watched the show anyway?

was anyone on the edge of their seats when Jason broke up with Melisa, but still felt super bad for her... but they were really happy when they saw Molly's face when Jason asked for her heart back?

did anyone think this was the best season yet?

is anyone wicked excited for The Bachelorette with Jill?

i know i am. (: comment me if you checked yes to any of these questionss.

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the bachelor. so ... was anyone like me? did anyone watch this

2 faves · 2 comments · Mar 6, 2009 4:34pm






imnotwitty16 · 1 decade ago
i thought it was a good season but i hate jason now for what he did to melisa..i mean i know it would have been wrong to stay with her when he didnt love her but still idkk i thought it was a bad ending to the show & kinda predictable
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peacelovelele · 1 decade ago
i love the bachelor and answered yess to most of themmm
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