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~Chapter 7~
The sky was dark, a few scattered stars twinkled.
I quietly opened the front door, trying not to stir my mother. I slipped through the entrance and into the living room. All the lights had been turned off except for one. The lamp on the end table was on, shadows casting themselves onto the walls like a puppet show.  My mother stood in the kitchen doorway, her arms folded over her breasts, her hair pulled back in a painfully tight bun. Not a strand of hair out of place. I could feel her glare settling on my like dust. I stared down at my converses, I felt like a little girl about to be scolded for scribbling away on the walls.
"You know it's late right? I was beginning to worry you had disappeared again." I looked up at her in disbelief. "I'm sorry, I thought you knew I was with Elizabeth." "I did, but I lost you once I will not lose you again." She had moved forward a few paces, her face stern. She held herself with an attitude that spoke 'No funny business'. "You know where I was. There was a party. Half the town was there. It was for me." "Whatever, Audrey. Listen, this isn't easy for me. I'd appreciate if you tried to be more careful." I felt the anger boiling inside my veins, turning my face bright red. "You weren't the one kindapped! I was! You think this is hard for you? Not everything is about you! God, you can be so self-centered sometimes. It's so f/cking irritating! You've been like this ever since dad died and i'm sick of your sh/t!" The color drained from her face, her hands fell to her sides. She turned around a dragged herself into the kitchen, with a zombie-like stature. With her back to me and her hands bracing the countertop, she spoke in a half choking voice. "Go to bed." I backed out and into the hallway. I ran, straight to my room. I threw myself on to the chair infront of my desk. There was a newspaper article placed in the center. It dated back to November 26th, and the headline was 'Missing Child'. The article was about me.


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BrokenByThePast ~Chapter 7~ The sky was dark, a few scattered

4 faves · Jul 18, 2012 9:30am






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