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Please read, It means the world<3

My name is RoseMary. I am 14 years old, born deaf, and adopted. I live with my moms, my 3 sisters and 2 brothers in Maine. I love life. :3 My birth parents, I don't know them, but gosh, I know so much about them. I know their names were Katie and Joshua, 16 and 17 years old when I was born. Just kids themselves, they planned adoption for me. They picked a perfect family of 4 children and 2 moms, at the time. I know they loved me, wanted to keep me, but they knew what was best. They wanted to me to have a great, normal life. And being kids, they couldn't raise a kid. I don't know them yet. I hope I can someday. Thanks Katie, thanks Joshua. You did a great job. I'm not being sarcastic. They made the best choices in the position they were in. Thank you so much cx

Thank you for reading(: It means the world.<3

(c) RoseMaryWoods2012

(c) RoseMaryWoods 2012


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Rose♥ Please read, It means the world<3 My name is

2 faves · 1 comments · Jul 16, 2012 8:55pm






beautifulgirl20 · 1 decade ago
They were smart people. They made the right choice, it was wayyyyyy better then having an abortion.
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