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One Direction: Is your heart taken?
Me: No?
One Direction: Is there somebody else on your mind?
Me: Actually 5 other people are on my mind
One Direction: I'm so sorry, I'm so confused
Me: Dont be
One Direction: Just tell me, am I out of time?
Me: Nope

One Direction: Is your heart breaking?
Me: Yes
One Direction: How do you feel about me now?
Me: Just kiss me already
One Direction: I can't believe I let you walk away
Me: I cant belive you didnt kiss me
One Direction: When, when I should have kissed you
Me: No dip Sherlock

mq.... if u take it u will never get kissed by one direction :*
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One Direction: Is your heart taken? Me: No? One Direction: Is

8 faves · Jul 13, 2012 6:05pm






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