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Cyber Tears
I get home and nothing races through my mind
Except if anything about me was posted
My hands stutter as I log on
My eyes shuffle back and fourth across the page
While the steady and only noise I hear is my heart beating 

All of a sudden a get a message from my friend
Im praying its good news
To late, my mind thought...Its bad news
I read it over and over again while re-looking all the posts and photo's
My eyes swell up with tears that never seemed to end 

I try to get a hold of myself
I try to think possitive
I try to forget all this
I try and try
But I can't with my fists clutching

What will happen at school?
Will I be pushed around?
Will I be a laughing stock?
Will my own friends go against me?
When will this end?

Because I don't think I'll have enough tears to cry this off♥


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Cyber Tears I get home and nothing races through my mind Except

5 faves · Jul 4, 2012 9:06pm






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