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Why can't love be forever?
chapter 1..

''I love you Bridget'' My boyfriend Dominick said to me before he kissed me softly on the lips. 
''Ew, get a room you two!'' I heard a voice behind me and Dominick, I quickly turned around, and saw my Bestfriend Taylor coming towards us, next thing i knew she sitting on the bench were we were sitting, she was laughing. I suddenly started laughing with her, so did Dominick.
But before me, Taylor, or Dominick, could even speak, we heard someone shout, sl/ut very loud at us, we all turned around, to see May with her boyfriend Grant and a couple of other girls laughing at us and coming our way..
We all rolled our eyes and sighed.  ''Great, All we need is summer drama.'' I said.  No one said anything, Taylor just nodded her head. and Dominick just sighed again.  ''Just ignore them, i don't think any of them wh/ores are worth any of our time.'' Dominick said as he was putting his arm around me.  Taylor looking at us. ''Oh i'm the who/re? Try Taylor or Bridget Dominick, afterall, you know you wish you could get with me again, afterall you did have s/ex with me.'' Said May, startling Me, Taylor and Dominick.  I saw Dominick rolling his eyes in the corner of my eye. I looked to the ground and so Did Taylor.  ''Hey Bridget'' I looked up to see Grant, Mays Boyfriend talking to me after he winked at me.
''Whatever Grant and May. Just leave please.'' Taylor told May and Grant.
And May and Grant and her trashy friends walked off, laughing.  

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Why can't love be forever? chapter 1.. ____________________________

2 faves · Jun 26, 2012 10:51pm






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