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                                                                                   Chapter Two

      I was running through the woods not daring to look back. I heard the people behind me calling for me to stop. I pushed on harder. No one knows the woods like me. I grabbed a tree and was out of sight in a matter of seconds. I saw then turn the corner not knowing I was right above them. When it was clear I jumped down. I looked around and then I was gone. 

    When I got home I collapsed on the floor breathing hard and uneven breaths. Jay walked in and sat next to taking my hand. "I love you I will till the day I die." he said "You are all I have. All I've ever had." I took my ring of and put it back on off and on. "You know it's coming soon. The end. My end." I told Jay catching his gaze. "Yeah I know. I promise I'll take care of Willow. I promise to make her know love. I'll take care of our daughter." Jay said. Those words where the last ones I heard before I was in 1986. I opened my eyes I was in a house. I got up and looked outside. Winter. I pulled on a coat and ran to the nearest town. 

  I knew what I was doing changing the past so I wouldn't die. Changing my mother right now was what i had to do. I ran to what looked like my old house. I knocked on the door and waited. I can't wait for long I have to keep moving. Then my mother opened the door I told her I needed help with something. She told me okay and ran behind me. We ran over one two three towns till we got there. I told her to grab that rose and knock on the door. She did as told. The door opened and it was Jays dad. "Yes?" He asked I walked up to him and he knew me and what he needed to do. He let us in and gave my mom the news. The news that divorce isn't allowed. She just met my dad and they were to get married but not a divorce. I got up thanked him and ran off. I ran back to the house and when I opened the door I my house I saw Jay and Willow waiting for me I was back.

 "Did you do it?" Willow asked. I took a huge sigh of relief and nodded. "I did it." Willow ran to her room knowing the battle wasn't won yet. Not just yet. I still had to be found. I gave Jay a kiss and walked up stairs to talk to Willow. "Willow can we talk?" I asked she nodded. "We have the upper hand. I can change this." I said walking into her room. "I know you can. Thats the problem though if Grandpa fell in love with your mom what would happen? I would be gone dad would be gone but you? No because you have something you have to do. I don't want you hurt, but I don't want to be gone." She said standing up and walking to the window. "What happens if you get hurt and when I looked outside I see you dead because your body came back?!?!" She asked starting to cry. "Willow thats why I'm careful who I pick to see. I stay up till three every night thinking that same thing. What if I mess up? What if I lose my daughter? What if she loses me? I love you and if I have to I'll stop. I'll stop trying what I've been trying to do for 14 years.What I've been trying to do sense you were born. You'll have a year with me one more year, but you'll be safe. It's all up to you. What do you want?" I asked trying not to cry for her. "No mom don't give up fight for your life." 

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FIND ME Chapter Two I was running through the woods not daring

0 faves · Jun 26, 2012 3:02pm




