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Every day again, i see one direction quotes. It's stupid. 

Honestly, they CANNOT sing. Too many of you out there are like OMG 1D I LOVE YOU AHHH HAVE MY BABIES! Hoenstly, i could care less but stop with them.
I needed help afew days ago. People ignored it. Maybe a few helped me out. Like redskies. She was there to help me. Hoenstly, one direction is sickening. I hope they wipe off of the face of the planet. Who cares about Harry having whatever or harry getting sick. It's not like he's dying. So serously, cut the crap with it okay? I understand you're obbsessed. But that don't mean you can rant and cry about how you'll never marry Liam or Louis or Niall. WHO CARES ABOUT THE MINUTES THEY SING SOLOS. WHO CARES? Not me. 
One direction is like any other pop band. What makes them so special? That they are from britan? Or ireland? No. They are people. 
And guess what? They don't know you exist. So, stop trying to see them and stop ranting on that you didn't mean them. They just want fans. And you guys give them h im. Truthfully, Black Veil Brides is a band to look at. Their fans are DEVOTED and don't go OMG ANDY SIX, or JINXX, or Jake or CC or Ashley MARRY ME! They understand the music. 
What makes you beautiful ain't inspirational. It's just for you all to see that they WANT fans. They got them because you think that the song was for every girl suffering, truth was, it isn't. Black Veil Brides understand because they are different. Not like pop. And guess what? The singer dated a model. How different is that? One direction is just annoying. 
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ONE DIRECTION IS ANNOYING Every day again, i see one direction

2 faves · 1 comments · Jun 25, 2012 11:47am






4U70M4T1C4LLY · 1 decade ago
i agree you :D
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