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my life sucks ?
enough of that. so many people have it much much harder.
some people are scared to go home because they don't know what will happen.
some people couldn't care less about uggs...as long as they had shoes.
dont like what your mom is making for dinner ? at least you have food. at least you have a mom.
ooh but lets take a look at poor little you. you're boyfriend broke up with you. OH NO!
well maybe instead of going into a pooor me phase, you can accually think about
how lucky you are to have everything that you do. listen up, some people told me about
thier lives today. & i can't tell you how much i wanted to cry. i'm gona stop and think about
just how lucky i am. im gonna smile to everyone at be nice. today, february 27th 2009 ,
my boyfriend broke up with me. but today, february 27th 2009 , something worse happened. </3

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my life sucks ? enough of that. so many people have it much much

8 faves · 2 comments · Feb 27, 2009 11:43pm






innluvv23 · 1 decade ago
this is really good!
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DOxME · 1 decade ago
i like this quote.
nice job, i hear what
your saying. (:
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