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I hate every day that passes and I can't see you
even though you live across the street
i keep flashing back to times we had
you taking me out to lunch,
playing in the pool,
you protecting me,
and just laying under the stars in silence
I could always count on you to be there
and now i reach for you but you aren't there anymore
It's killing e and i know it's been a year
but seeing you stare at me all the time
its almost like you stare right throw me
like what we had ment nothing
our friendship ment nothing
like we ment nothing
but i know that isn't true
and sure I have a new bf now
but it isnt the same without you
nothings the same without you
and i just need to know
If this is really what you wanted
all along?
Just venting.. If you read all this i love you:)

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I hate every day that passes and I can't see you even though

3 faves · 1 comments · Jun 15, 2012 10:52pm





break up

tubagirllove · 1 decade ago
this reminds me alot of my ex from a few months ago.. we had soo much in common and he turned really mean like threating and he was pushing me away... and hes my next door neighbor also! I know exactly how you feel its just so horribal to see the one you used to love not care abit about you anymore.

sorry thought i wuld let you know their are people just like you. :) You stayed strong got a new bf and you should be way happier then this quote leads on! dont worry about this other guy who needs him!.. sorry ranting with ya!
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