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Fly Away With Me
Chapter One
Sometimes when I'm sad or upset about something, or I just need to be alone, I drive. I just drive through the winding roads - avoiding the busy highways and industrial parks - and just take in the scenary. The trees. The open fields. The neat, tidy houses with square yards.
That was how I found the small inn on the corner of two residential streets. One was newer, all the houses with matching porches, and the other old Victorians and trees and swings.
It was called Come On Inn, and was a three story building with white slats and a roof with green shingles. They had a small garden mostly filled with tomato plants and gardenias and a large sign planted front and center.
It was cold and wet and it was late at night. I had stormed out of the house at dinner after some blowout with my sister. What it was about, I can't remember now.
My stomach growled and complained. I couldn't go back now until everyone was asleep, meaning about another hour.
So right about then it seemed like a good place to be, that inn. The front lights were on and the smell of something baking wafted through the open windows and towards me, where I lingered near the hood of my car.
Nervously, and wondering if anyone was still awake, I walked up to the door and knocked, stepping back as soon as my hand touched the door.
There was a steady thump-thump-thump as someone walked over to get the door. It swung open, revealing a middle aged woman with straight gray-blonde hair. Her apron had happy pigs on it and she was smiling wide.
"Why don't you come on in, sweetheart?"

The woman's name was Marianne. She used to own a bakery, but she sold it after her parents left her the inn in their will. She'd been running it ever since.
"Sounds like a good life." I remarked, sipping my coffee.
Marianne smiled. "I wouldn't want to live any other life. So yes, I think that does make it a good one."
I nodded, contemplating this. "You didn't say anything about a husband. Or children."
She laughed. "Oh, Danny. I don't need a husband or children to live the life I love. I have my inn, and my customers, and my cats. And a niece. That's all I really want in life."
"You have such a way with people. I'm suprised you wouldn't have one of those huge families with twenty kids."
"Me? Have a way with people?"
"Marianne, please. I've been sitting here for half an hour and already it's like I've known you all my life."
Marianne shook her head over her slice of pie. "All I did was ask you to come in and share my pie. Then I asked you sbout your family. You told me. You asked me about mine. We laughed. We shared jokes. Just basic human interaction."
I ate my pie for a minute, not talking. Slowly, I said, "If more people were like you, Marianne, then I think this worold would be a better place."
"I'm flattered. Now, sonny, you better get home before your parents get worried." her voice went stern and motherly, so I had to comply.
As I was leaving, she asked me, "Danny, you'll come back, won't you?"
I promised, and came back the next day. And then the next.
There was something about Marianne you couldn't help but love.

Author's Note
I hope you like it. It's a little boring right now, but it gets better! I promise!
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Fly Away With Me Chapter One Sometimes when I'm sad or upset

4 faves · Jun 7, 2012 12:34pm






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