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i've been thinking a lot
and all i can think about right now is you
what are we?
all i can say is
the way you can make me happy when no one else can
the way you smile at me when you say hi in the hallway
the way we go out of our way to talk to each other late at night
that one time we ran away from everyone else just to talk under the bleachers
when i used to always wear your hat
that time we went bowling and i chased you around the bowling alley
when i always hugged you tight after your baseball games
when you hugged me from behind that one morning
you texted me that you couldn't live without me
heart after heart after heart

we've been through a lot and i've remembered every single moment
but what are we? you don't understand how much i care.
i love you.


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i've been thinking a lot and all i can think about right

0 faves · Jun 6, 2012 8:52pm




