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Cinderella's Remix

             My life hasn’t always been like this. It was easier and more enjoyable before my mom died. Back then, I was carefree, lively, and happy but after the car accident, everything changed. My dad stopped talking to me. Completely. I had a feeling it was because I survived and Mom didn’t. I might have survived, but just barely. I broke twelve bones, spent six months in a rehabilitation centers to learn how to walk again and I also will forever have a scar running down my right cheek. Not only that, but the car wreck also left me partially deaf in one ear. Thankfully a hearing aid can fix this but it also makes me even more of a freak.
             My stepsisters call me Scar because of my face. I hate it when they do that but it seems whenever I stand up for myself, Gwen, my stepmom suddenly walks into the room and tells me that it’s perfectly normal and bonding for sisters to give each other nicknames. Another thing annoying about Gwen is that she always complains how I have “problems” and don’t help around house enough. Those “problems” though, aren’t big enough to need counseling though. And I’m the only one that works in this house too. I even quit band, my one sweet escape, because Gwen thought it took away family time, maybe if family meant the toilet as my sister and the vacuum cleaner as my aunt. I just don’t get it sometimes. Usually when this kind of thing happens to a girl, she gets whisked away by a dreamy prince, or at least by CPS but not even close.
               I have two bright sides, though, to my life. The first is my best friend Nikki. Nikki has been there for as long as I can remember. She also speaks up for me and brightens up my days, therefore, she is also hated by Gwen. My second bright side is my volunteer work at the hospital. Every other day, I volunteer at the pediatrics hospital and teach kids how to play almost any instrument they want. Gwen finally obliged after Nikki said that volunteering at the kid’s hospital is a human way to spend my time instead of per say, starting a rock band in the garage. My favorite kid there is Samantha. She is a nine year old leukemia patient that I teach piano and singing too.
                Although I have two bits of happiness, my life is dark. I don’t like it, I’m just trying to get out. I wish it was a fairytale but it’s not even close.

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→Cinderella's Remix→ My life hasn’t always

2 faves · Jun 4, 2012 11:02pm






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