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Summer check list. (Every time one happens I shall check it off.)
[] Go to Elitches at least 3 times.
[] Go to Rockies game.
[] Go to my neighborhood swimming pool.
[] Have a sleepover at least twice.
[] Go on the mind eraser.
[] Go on Twister ll.
[] Have a water balloon fight.
[] Buy a new swimsuit.
[] Get a Falling In Reverse shirt.
[] Text one of my friends with a reply.
[] Go to Big Time or Jumpstreet.
[] Find a new favorite band.
[] Go to the zoo at least twice.
[] Go to the movies at least once.
[] Have a BBQ.
[] Go to a BBQ.
[] Go trick-or-treating.
[] Go to at least three birthday parties.
[] Dye my hair one more time.
[] Go swimming at a lake. (Colorado's beach.)
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Summer check list. (Every time one happens I shall check it off.)

1 faves · May 30, 2012 8:26pm






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