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here's to the girls;
that truly love that guy;
not for his money,
but for his sweetness;
that love him for the
way he looks at you.
The butterflies you get
when you think of him,
or hangout with him.
That know everything
about him;
eye colour, hair coulour,
favorite band, movie, sports team, and sneaker brand.
That would
give up anything
to make him happy.
That don't mind
when he's being a

That love him more than
their bestfriend,
and fave stuffed animal.
never stop texting him,
and if you do,
you get sad.
That love him so much,

you stalk his Facebook
when you aren't talking,
just to see

Here's to the girls that are

nmf / mq

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here's to the girls; that truly love that guy; not for his

267 faves · 2 comments · May 20, 2012 7:32pm






Rozzy333 · 1 decade ago
this is soooo cute :)
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SecretsAreAllICanKeep · 1 decade ago
I love this so much ♥ "His" sister has a witty, and we were talking..she knows I like "him" but swore she would never tell..Her and I were chatting on facebook, and she asked me who I liked..I was like 'She knows?!,, i thought' Turned out he was on hew facebook and found out..he kissed me at lunch..I asked him why, and he said "I love you Ariana..&I know you do too...I was on Ali's facebook, and it was us who were chatting♥"
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