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so io know a lot of you will just scroll past this quote, and those who do its fine, i dont bame you. i know you guys have your own problems, and you sure as hell dont want to deal with mine, its just you guys were a really big help last time something was bugging me, i was hoping maybe you could help me again? so i know i have it pretty good, and a lot of people have it worse, but i just cant beleive what i did to deserve any of this. i guess i should start from the beggining... me and this guy... his name is jake.. well we had a thing in the summer.. every waking moment i thought of him, as well as every sleeping moment. it didnt matter what anyonethought about me when i was with him, the only thing that mattered was him. he was everything to me, and i was the same to him. we had so much fun together, and he was the first guy ive ever loved....as soon as school started, he feel for his ex... my best friend.. it killed me inside. i stopped eating for a while, determend to look like one of the girls who always got his attention. when that failed, i was so hurt. my friend knew i loved him, but she was okay with it anyways. but this isnt aout her. its about him.  FASTFOREWARD. PRESENT TIME. ive had a lot of boyfriends since then.. hes had a lot of girlfriends. if anyone read my last ranting quote, you'll understand a little more.. that it wasnt untill recently that i fell for him agin. we sort of started texting, and i found out that he liked me back. and then i realized, that it wasnt that i started to like him again, it was just that i never stopped. we had a tiny thing. he would make little remarks about how i was beautiful, but he never loved me the same way.. but it didnt matter to me.. because for that small amount of time, i felt like i did in the summer. beautiful, smart.... happy. after a while, he stopped texting me. ive had two boyfriends since then.. they never made me feel the same way he did. sometimes i even felt like they only wanted me because my body. one boy even used me. i was so hurt. i wanted to turn to jake, and i did. i was hoping to find him with arms open, so whisper to me that it was okay, and to forgive me, and tell me that he doesent care that i made a mistake. i was nieve. he moved on. he had a girlfriend. i got over it. but today, me and a friend anthony were walking along the lake, and we saw a group of our friends... it was a buch of my closest friends, and him, and his new girlfriend. they were seperated from the group, sitting on a rock, holding hands. he looked at her the same way he used too look at me. he whipered the same things to her that he once told me. that she was his everything. that she meant something to him.. i ran into the woods crying . i just couldnt handle it. i ran home, and now i dont know what to do. i cat beleive i thought it would work out. and i dont know what im trying to acomplish by ranting on witty, i just need my witty sisers and brothers to tell me that its going to be okay.that im better off without him, that everything is going to work out the way it should.. i just dont know what to do anymore. im sorry for wasting your time guys. 
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so io know a lot of you will just scroll past this quote, and

2 faves · 2 comments · May 19, 2012 5:31pm






Peacock17* · 1 decade ago
Please talk to me anytime!! I'm not always on witty but you can text me at 641-233-8742
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Peacock17* · 1 decade ago
Oh my god... I'm so sorry!!!!
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