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today was a great day:) we had half a day of school, so after school we walked in town and sat at a local coffee place for three hours just talking and playing a game. then we just wanderly walked around town taking an "adventure". Then we went to a softball game, but sat on the playground and went from bench to bench making sure to stay in the sun as it was going down. at one point which we both cant remember why i turned away form him on the bench and didnt talk to him like i was mad and what he did was turn to me, give me a hug from behind and started talking to make me smile. then i turned toward himand we sat there and he leaned his head against mine and started singing Amazed by Loanstar, which is our song. he made me so happy♥ then after that we left and we went and got dinner and just had a wonderful evening together♥

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today was a great day:) we had half a day of school, so after

1 faves · 1 comments · May 18, 2012 10:53pm






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