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Dear Boy,
     You did the cutest thing today.  I wasn't in english like I always am so I didn't get a chance to go with you to your locker and get my book and go to biology.  I was worried you gonna forget about me and my book so I ran up the stairs in a hurry to turn the corner and find you.  You were standing there with you locker open and my biology book in your hand waiting for me.  I shouldn't addmit it, but I saw your smile when I turned the corner and looking right in to your brown eyes with a look of gratitude, you looked so happy when you saw how happy you had made me.  I shouldn't like you, but you make me like you even more every single day with the things you do.

*true story. advice is wanted!!!!....what should I do???***
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Dear Boy, You did the cutest thing today. I wasn't in english

1 faves · 2 comments · Feb 20, 2009 10:37pm






marisaxorae · 1 decade ago
see i tend to be the negative one of the group because i've been the one to ask when i thought he liked me. and that is how tj and sam ended up together. i never really told you the entire story behind that because it was hard to tell. but i know that one day they are going to break up and he will come crawling back but im going to say no. but do what your heart tells you not what your mind tells you(becuase its normally wrong) and if he turns out to be an ill kick his :D love ya girlie! go for it!
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tylerlover55 · 1 decade ago
you should go for it (:
he obviously likes you too (:
good luck girl!!
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