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I wish you could see how well Im doing. I've stopped cutting, the suicidal thoughts are decreasing. I have a boyfriend, hes not like Marlon, I promise. Emilio and Sammi just celebrate one year together. Raechel and I are still super mega friends. She wont ever say it, even to herself, but she misses you just as much as I do. Except I miss you so much. Dont worry though, I wont try to talk to you. My sister wants to visit karate and my mum does too. So maybe soon we'll have to see each other. But I'll just go give Aaron a hug. I wont even look at you, I promise. If you look at me though, I hope the only thing you see is the healing scars. Its been 8 months and I still miss you. But I promise I'll try not to miss you anymore.
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Doug, I wish you could see how well Im doing. I've stopped

3 faves · May 9, 2012 1:15am






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