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me: (9:20:12 PM): seriously, wanna trade pokemon cards? i have a huge stack in my deskk. i have pikatchu, mowr, ho-oh, skitty, and minunn
bestfriend: (9:20:33 PM): yes i do tess
me: (9:20:50 PM): alright. tomrrow. after school. 3:16 pm. at the water fountain. be there.
bestfriend: (9:21:27 PM): alright;; don't let mrs. (our principle) catch u tho!
me: (9:21:54 PM): uh ooohhh; i hope nott. she'll wanna trade too!! :O

i'm not a loser like thattt.
i saw a quote on heree that has the original version of my milkshake brings all the boys to the yardd, the boy version, and nerdd. i told my bestfriend the nerrd one, and this is how it wentt(:
btww. i don't know the pokemon characterss, i look them up on thee internett (;
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me: (9:20:12 PM): seriously, wanna trade pokemon cards? i have

1 faves · 1 comments · Feb 19, 2009 10:25pm






Zappyboy · 1 decade ago
you sound so fake.
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