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All people do these days is judge each other.
And its getting old.You can't blam it on society because well,we are society.Also making a status about it and saying all people do is bully each other.Sweetie last time I checked you bullied me.You and your "friend".Sure I have judge a few people based on their looks but I always get to know them.So now I don't.But when you judge someone all the time saying,'oh,she looks weird.' or 'she wears the same clothes everyday' or even 'why do they go in a room to take a test?Are they stupid?.Honestly get to know someone first before you judge.Because if they look "weird" it may be because thats their style.If they wear the same clothes everyday,maybe their family can't afford clothes.Or if they take a test in a different room and get extra help from people maybe because they have a learning disability and are behind their grade level in one or two aeras.So think before you judge.

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All people do these days is judge each other. And its getting

5 faves · May 7, 2012 7:51pm






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