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all the dates i have cut. it is getting Easyer the more i do it i don't really cry anymore Im already use to the pain what little pain there is and i do it with out caring in the world who it hurt i know it makes one guy friend cry and it breaks the others heart but i just don't care about our deals anymore as the days go on the worse my thoughts get and the more i think Im becoming depressed and just it gets worse and worse
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well 4-6-12 4-10-12 4-26-12 4-29-12 all the dates i have cut.

3 faves · 3 comments · Apr 29, 2012 8:27pm






ApplePieFlutterDashRariSparkle · 1 decade ago
You need to stop, it isn't good for you. So many people care about you, and there are many many many other things that you could do besides cutting. You could watch my little pony (thats what I do when I'm feeling down) or you could take a looooong long shower, go for a walk, go through a botanical garden, or if you need any help with anything I'd be happy to talk with you. Just know that Witty is not a website, we are a family, and we help each other. So if you ever need a virtual hug I have plenty to go around :)
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RiseAboveItAll · 1 decade ago
Please Please!!! stop!! your worth so so so much!!! your so beautiful and your life is precious please don't cut. cutting leads to depression and depression leads to suicide thoughts and I think you know where that leads to. I've been there I am there Please Don't. Your strong enough to stop you are!!! and I will be there to help I promise just leave a comment anytime you feel like cutting. Please. Will you do that?
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rainbowtoaster2 · 1 decade ago
stopppp! stop now! I swear, honey don't do it. Because then one day you'll have to look at those scars (which will become much worse if you continue) and youll be reminded of your miserableness. I've been upset at times too, I wittied.. I mooped around the house, i cried.. But i got through it. I'm happier now than i was 2 months ago. Please whenever you feel like you're going to cut, just comment on my page. I'll talk to you:)
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