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Just another Teenage love story

Chapter 7:
 "I'll see you later Mom!" I called whilst dashing out the door. I was looking forward to going down to the beach hut  today, much more enthusiastic than yesterday.  
As I strolled down the sandy pathway, I noticed Cameron and his gang, talking outside the hut.  
I planned on casually walking past, but that wasn't going to work .
As I came closer, i noticed a hand written piece of paper on the door, reading:

The Beach Hut will be closed untill further notice.
We are sorry for any inconvienience.  
Great. I walked up to the sign to get a closer look, but I felt uncomfortable, as I began to feel many eyes starring at me.
I began to hear many of the boys, who I assumed were part of Camerons 'pack', mumuring, about me?  
I turned around to face them, I couldn't see Cameron there. They all began to circle me.
"May I help you?" I asked, confidently,
One of them stepped forward,  "Give us all you got on you," he spat,
"Excuse me?"  
I took a step forward, I wasn't scared of these lot, no matter how much, bigger, they were...  
"Give us your money, everything,"
He took a step closer, inches away from me, his muscles and size began to stand out much more.
"No!" I shouted avoiding eye contact,
He grabbed my coller, and I could hear his harsh breathing on my face, all I could smell was the vile stink of cigarettes and cheap liquor.
"Do you want to rephrase that," He snarled through gritted teeth, and he threw me onto the sandy floor, where a smashed bottle of vodka lay.  
I let out a scream of pain, as when I looked down at my arm blood oozed out of a long wound and it dripped onto the pale sand.  
"Guys what is going on?" Cameron shoved his way through the crowd, "Blaire? Blaire what happened?"  He knelt down beside me holding my arm, examining it.
"Cam, she- she fell over,"  the stranger stuttered,
Cameron rose and looked him in the eye and roared n his face, "Really? I know she's clumsy but  do you really expect to believe that, I know you Max, it's what you do!"
"Look who became a saint guys," Max laughed to all his followers,
Suddenly, Cameron, without thinking, swung his fist into Max's jaw, erruptly stopping the laughter.  

Any feedback would be awesome, if you'd like to be notified on my upcoming chapter s please let me know, :D 



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Just another Teenage love story Chapter 7: "I'll see

4 faves · Apr 29, 2012 1:54pm






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