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That One Summer Chapter 1

Chapter 2
Ashley’s POV
            We sit around the beach with the boys, remembering the day we met them and chatting about how Celine was shocked. “Shouldn’t the boys be here soon?” Asks Rosie and I nod in agreement and then we are attacked by boys, picking us up and throwing us into the water. I scream as I am plunged under water and I come up sopping wet glaring at Liam. I wink at the girls and we pick up wet sand and start throwing it at our best friends and we decide to truce.
            “Sorry best friend, I just had to do it!” Says Liam laughing and I nod, scooping up a piece of wet sand and rubbing it all over him.
            “And I just had to do that!” I say winking and running off jumping onto Rhiannon’s back as she gives me a piggy back ride to go get cotton candy, with Niall’s hand intertwined in hers. They are the cutest couple ever, besides they both love food.
Keely’s POV
            I sit around the circle, with all the couples of our group. Vanessa and Harry, Niall and Rhiannon and Louis and Selena although Zayn and I are the only ones that aren’t a couple we are the best of friends. Besides, Celine is practically in love with him but I don’t know about Zayn. My job today is to find out what girl he has a spot for. He has to like one of us! I look behind my shoulder to find Liam and Cory building a sand castle together.    “Think Liam and Cory will be a cute couple?” I ask him and he looks over and nods.
            “He totally likes her.” He says laughing at Ashley and Rosie as they girl fight over the shovel to build a sand castle.  Celine jumps up and tries to get between them and Zayn jumps up right away as Ashley threatens playfully to beat her with the shovel. Although Ashley was kidding Zayn was protective right away to her. Maybe he likes her? I hope so!
Zayn’s POV
            I don’t know why I popped up and helped her when Ashley threatened to beat her with the shovel. I know Ashley was kidding but I feel like I need to protect Celine. She is so important to me. Just like Keely I would do anything for those two girls. I take the shovel from Ashley and Rosie, throw it over to Keely and she runs away as they chase her. I put my arm around Celine as we walk over to Louis and Selena as Louis kisses her on the cheek. Maybe one day I will love Celine like that?
            “Hey guys who wants to go back to Louis’ place?” I call and everyone runs up, except Niall and Rhiannon who have fallen asleep on the beach.  “Change of plans, who else wants to dump water on them?” I ask with a  devious smile on my face and we sneakily fill the buckets with water before dumping it on them.
            Rhiannon’s face is priceless and Niall’s is filled with confusion and hunger, as always. “What the hell guys?” Says Niall getting up angry now and he helps Rhiannon up before they chase us with their flip-flops smacking me on the head a couple of times.
This is my One Direction Fan Fiction! 
  Pandepp    CELINE
 dontcryyourheartout86   KEELY
 ImRightHere    CORY
 ilovehollister2014    ASHLEY
PartyRocker    VANESSA
msjitterbug98   ROSIE
 selena8887777    SELENA
 miss_wasabi   TAHLIA


Format by twilightgirl995

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That One Summer Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Ashley’s POV We sit

6 faves · 2 comments · Apr 28, 2012 2:12pm






ImRightHere · 1 decade ago
i love it and i soo totally would build a sandcastle
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Alaska Young* · 1 decade ago
I love it! And my part I would defiantly do that too!!!
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