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Girl: Omg Im so depressed I just cant handle it anymore I got GROUNDED for no reason!! like OMG!!!

Me: Aww, Im sorry :c At least you can still talk though, yeah? Thats a good thing at least :)

Girl: Ugh, I guess. I just wish I had your life its like way better.

Me: No, you dont. Anyway.

Girl: Yes I do! Its like perfect! Your parents dont yell at you and your pretty and have a bunch of friends! Plus you are always happy unlike me!

Me: You dont know my life, at all. I never smile. Im not happy. My 'friends' are back stabbers. My parents constantly yell at me and tell me how much I fail. Thats not half of it, I cut and tell me how I will never finish school. You dont know what its like. Your dad never went to jail. You dont have "child protective services" in your life. Its all a fu-king act. Im not happy its just an ACT. Please, shut up. I could go on and on.

Girl: Oh..

Me: Yeah.

Next Quote >

Girl: Omg Im so depressed I just cant handle it anymore I got

6 faves · 1 comments · Apr 27, 2012 2:22am





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JellySandwich · 1 decade ago
Yet you fake smiles. (:
You're strong enough to even survive all this. I would've died by now if i were you. You are like one of the strongest and most amazing people i've ever met. If you're going through hell, keep going. Because, there's going to be heaven, for sure. I love you. ♥
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