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the Witty Hunger Games
day 2. First night during the Games.


District 12's tribute Felix's P.O.V.
It's dark out now, and I can barely see. The only light helping me not run into trees is that of the moon and stars. They should be showing the tributes who passed today soon. By the time I finally decide to slump out against a tree, and rest, they're showing the tributes faces and districts up in the sky. As I watch, I find myself secretly wishing I was up there, I wouldn't have the constant fear of running into other tributes, costing mine or someone else's death, or coming home finding my sister dead. 
I look up, and see Emory, a young girl who was the other tribute from my district. Addix's words echoed in my head , 
"team up with Emory, if you can." 
"Yeah. I guess I wont have much of a chance with that," I croaked to myself and passing animals.
"I guess I wont have a chance with any of this." i shurugged. "I guess it wont matter."
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the Witty Hunger Games day 2. First night during the Games. District

9 faves · 1 comments · Apr 26, 2012 8:16pm




