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Everyday I wonder why 

arent I like all the other girls at 

school, why dont I fit in. 

Why cant anyone ever tell me 

why? Everytime I ask 

someone they just walk away 

and act like they never

saw or heared me, why?

And everytime I ask some one 

in my family they always say 

nothing is wrong with you 

honey your perfect just the 

way you are. But, I never 

believe them. So, finally one

day at school I ask a girl at 

school why I dont fit in, and

finally, she answered me she 


its not you that doesnt fit in 

you are honestly perfect

I wouldnt change one thing 

about you, ive seen you 

around, your always asking 

people why you dont fit in,

but they always just walk 

away and ive been 

waiting for you to come ask

me why you dont fit in and 

finally you just did , it is

just because you are perfect 

and they are not used to 

perfect if anyone has 

something wrong with them

its them because you are 

honestly perfect."

Thank you i said to her ive 

always wanted someone to 

answer me, really answer me 

finally you did, thank you"

By the way that was my best 

friend Abigail, we have been 

besties ever since she 

answered me and told me the

truth and I will always be in 

her debt. She is what changed 

my whole perspective of 

myself around now I 

know that I will now and

forever have someone 

truthful that I can rely on.





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Different Everyday I wonder why arent I like all the other girls

1 faves · Apr 25, 2012 3:37pm






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